Post by irescue on Jul 22, 2024 13:45:46 GMT
Hello, I am trying to integrate the Arduino SDcard module to the TC275 with no success. The module is teh one in this example; miliohm.com/sd-card-reader-module-with-arduino-tutorial/I find section 2.10 of the manual incredibly confusing. There are no pins soldered to the connector P201 on my TC275 like the one here; www.infineon.com/cms/en/product/evaluation-boards/kit_aurix_tc275_ard_sb/So, I either have to solder pins onto the connector, or attempt to use another SPI channel. But the manual says that SF cards must be connected to P201 with CS of Pin 4. Can I use BOARD_SPI_SS0_S1? With MISO = p12, MOSI = p11 SCK = p13 and CS = P10? What does this mean? Spi.transfer(BOARD_SPI_SS0_S1, data); Is this something that goes in the Setup function? Has anyone managed to get this SD card module to work?
Post by irescue on Jul 25, 2024 22:45:56 GMT
I am so close to having this project working. I am using the Shield buddy as the controller for an electric surfboard, but the SD card integration is killing me. Works perfectly on an Arduino Mega, but nothing on the TC275. I soldered pins onto the P201 connector and tried SPI channel 0 with CS as 4 or 10. I have tried all other channels.
It is a real shame that this board has so much potential, but so little support. It must have cost a huge some to get it to market and now they are letting it wither on the vine.